Print on canvas

by emay78

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Photo - straight out of the camera

Photo - straight out of the camera

close up - front

close up - front
Photo - straight out of the camera
Photo - after editing in Photoshop Lightroom
close up - front copy_305x230.jpg
Finished project
close up - side view

Took a trip to Wrightsville Beach, NC for an impromptu photo shoot. The goal was to find a shot to use as a print in my bedroom.  My wall was large and bare and we needed something big.  Got a good shot, tweaked the colors in Photoshop Lightroom and sent it off to Canvas On Demand for printing. They handled the split for me, which was absolutely perfect.  It's a 45x30 gallery wrapped canvas and each panel is 1.5" thick.

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sunny62778 06/01/2009

I love how you warmed up the colors. How much did it cost for the Canvas On Demand work?

Thanks Sunny! I had a coupon so it was fairly discounted. I think I spent around $200-$250. I think they have a price list available online and they occasionally run specials.

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tanya 04/22/2009

Interesting project. Maybe I'll make similar myself some day

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